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Why Yogalimbs?
Yoga speaks for itself and the word limbs stands for our arms and legs that help us with the asanas, the poses, but this also refers to the parts, the branches of yoga.
In Ashtanga yoga, (not to be confused with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga) created by Sage Patanjali, there are 8 limbs. 8 Branches that are practiced in order to lead us to the eighth limb, Samadhi, unity between body and mind.
We have collectively lost this link by focusing too much on our body, while body and mind are one whole.
We are going to reconnect these two with our primary need for life, our breath that we, unlike other automatisch bodyfunctions, can manipulate and influence directly in our favor. That makes our breath so powerfull in times of stress.
Why is consistancy key?
Not just a nice slogan. This is something I support 100%.
People are simply creatures of repetition. Day in, day out, breathe in, breathe out. Since my introduction to yoga, I have understood that routine is important and provides structure and structure provides peace.
Knowing why you do something is the biggest motivator and ensures that you keep doing it. Not for the next 12 weeks, but for the rest of your life. Why do you think I have that pull-up bar in my studio? Not because this has anything to do with yoga, but because it reminds me of my morning routine and that I hung it there for a reason.
Let's create a morning routine?
Without realizing it, you already have it because what have you probably been doing all your life when you get out of bed? That's right... going to the toilet. Build on this and refill your water level and then stand on your yoga mat and do 1 simple stretch. This hardly costs you any time, no money and you build life-quality.
The trick is just doing it every day. This means having no excuse and just do it and building on it. But start with that one stretch....that's why.
Do I have your attention? Would you like to know more about how to put all this into practice in a sustainable way?
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